A.r.m. your entity

core reimbursement  –  data silos  =  revenue + savings

Why we do it?

Simple, we are you…
Tired of manually compiling reports from multiple vendor portals to perform daily tasks and analysis. 
EPL saves you time, so you can find the savings. 

What is EPL?

EPL is a data aggregation tool, collaboration hub and service shop focused on aligning reimbursement models (A.R.M.) for safety net providers.

We’re fixated on freeing subject matter experts from manual data scrubbing to get to answers quicker.  


We aggregate disparate data from EHRs, Pharmacies, Payors, Logistics companies and Labelers. Hence, EPL. .


Aligned Reimbursement Modeling is the practice of normalizing common data elements required by a hospital/clinic’s largest revenue-generating departments, and supplying subject matter experts to apply business intelligence rules on a centralized, agile platform so these departments can all collaborate, find opportunities and save money faster by working in the same environment. 

Unshackling your staff’s dependence on their respective vendor portal maximizes your entity’s collaboration to achieve better financial outcomes. 

Data required to administer 340B, CMS reimbursement programs, pharmacy cost savings, formulary management, and employee benefit plan optimization are prioritized. 

  • Hospitals and clinics struggle to make sense of data housed in various vendor sites. This inefficiency causes barriers to cross departmental collaboration, often leaving revenue unrealized. 


  • Entities are not leveraging powerful data from existing programs, like 340B, to drive revenue and cost savings across other lines of business.


  • There aren’t well maintained community forums designed to bridge the gap between subject matter experts with operational know-how and developers who can execute code to deliver the desired result.


This is where EPL steps in to A.R.M. your entity

  • Software – Enterprise level ingestion of data across disparate data silos into one agile business intelligence platform
  • Service – EPL staff has expertise in 340B, revenue cycle and pharmacy operations to augment current staff, or even take the reins to perform tasks to resolve issues and grow savings.

Looking for external help to supply optimization analysis, audit, compliance and operational efficiency?

Check our service offerings in Ethos

Need to pose a question to other subject matter experts with other institutions, or share an idea for an application and want to  work with like-minded folks to build a proof of concept?

Find your community, collaborate and share in Pathos platform. 

Wish you could eliminate hours of data scrubbing and get to answers faster? 

Take a look at what we’ve built in Logos. 

The Platforms



Data without execution is useless. Contract with our experts to lead or augment your staff to resolve issues or grow revenue.

Areas of Expertise: 340B, Revenue Cycle, Pharmacy Operations


Collaboration & Community

Pathos is the collaboration arm of EPL. Join other members on EPL-orchestrated projects, share and showcase new ideas, and get answers from your cohort.


Apps & Data Solutions

Logos is a data integration platform for non-technical users to import and normalize disparate data. Normalize your data in seconds rather than hours.

Jump in with us.

Our Testimonials

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