Free for covered entities.

How it works.

We take commissions from vendors, not entities

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Accordion Content
Building data supremacy.

And Why does it matter?

Building crosswalks and analysis tools with Excel templates fall short in today’s era. EPL brings together tech-savvy individuals from covered entities to build useful tools and applications that can be utilized by other stakeholders to bring 340B out of the ’90s. All centered around relational data models that are easy to use and yield powerful results. 

What does EPL Centralize

And Why does it matter?

340B Eligibility Crosswalks

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Vendor Data Aggregation

Dolor sit amet ekolor aloma  Cons ctetur the old what adips Incidunt ullt labe the off Duis euisod risus metus, a faucibus diam placerat sed Suspendisse gravida sit amet.

Rx Access Cards

Dolor sit amet ekolor aloma  Cons ctetur the old what adips Incidunt ullt labe the off Duis euisod risus metus, a faucibus diam placerat sed Suspendisse gravida sit amet.

Effortlessly Manage your 340B universe

EPL Platform


340B Axis

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340 B.I.

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more about me


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Effortlessly Manages All 
Your Information

Our approach to SEO is uniquely built around what SEO is uniquely built around we 
works and what we know doesn’t work.

Project Analysis

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Google Research

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Project Done

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About Company

In a World of Technology, 
People Make the 

Search Engine Optimization - or SEO - is the process of 
increasing your website's visibility and likeliness to 
be found in search engines.

Take Accounting

Search Engine the increasing 
website’s visibility.

Marketing Research

Search Engine the increasing 
website’s visibility.

Work With a Dedicated
 SEO Company

Our approach to SEO is uniquely built around what SEO is uniquely 
built around we works and what we know doesn’t work.